If You Eat Garlic And Honey On An Empty Stomach For 7 Days, This Is What Happens to Your Body

Garlic is one of the most ingredients around the globe. It is too much popular because of its taste and it is also popular as a health benefits purpose like heart disease, heart attack, blood pressure and even to lower your cholesterol.

If you eating raw garlic every day, it reduces your heart diseases because allicin, its active ingredient is decentralized by heat. Crush and slice the clove and leave it for 15 minutes before consuming it. When you crush the bulb, it activates a reaction that makes alicin more bio available. It should be eaten on an empty stomach because if the stomach is overwhelmed with food, it has hard to process and soak all the food’s nutrients.

It also contains other elements like flu, common cold, diarrhea or fungal infection can be treated with garlic. Actually, garlic only able to control symptoms of enlarged prostate, diabetes, and osteoarthritis but also to build up the immune system and to annihilate toxins from the body.

How to prepare it? As simple as this:
  • First of all just take 2-3 garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of organic honey
Chop 2-3 garlic cloves into small pieces. Mix them properly with a tablespoon of honey. Everyday consumes this mixture and you’ll notice how much healthier you’ll be and how energized you’ll feel.

Now, if you have already sore throat and you want to treat cold or flu symptoms here is another natural recipe:

  • Take ½ yellow onions (chopped)
  • 5 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon ginger, chopped
  • 2 red chili peppers, chopped
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • Raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp)
  1. First of all, you’ll need one medium sized Mason jar (350ml-500ml).
  2. Add the chopped ½ yellow onion first and then the 5 garlic cloves. Then add the chili peppers, with the seeds and put the ginger on top. Add the squeezed lemon juice and lastly pour in the ACV.
  3. Make sure you have at least 1cm of empty space on top. Close the lid tightly and store the remedy in a cold and dark place.
  4. You can start consuming the tonic the next day. It’s excellent against the flu, colds and sore throat.
